Getting Connected

Getting and staying connected with our Pickleball family helps everyone to play more and helps you sharpen your skills. In addition to this web site we also use e-mail and the GroupMe app to keep everyone up-to-speed.


One of the best ways to get connected with other PIVOT players is to join the Pickleball group on the GroupMe App. Once connected you'll get realtime messages every day of who's playing, where and when.

To join simply download the App on your smart phone, tablet, and/or computer and then reach out to Anna who will add you to the Pickleball group.

PIVOT Member e-mail

When you join PIVOT you will receive PIVOT member e-mails and newsletters with the latest news and information about Pickleball in the tri-city area as well as throughout the country. Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in Amkaj;aljg;lajkg;kja;gjal;dsgj;lakg;ljal;dd and there's lots to talk about. Once we get your application we'll add you to the list. Click on this link to enroll in our email list through MailChimp.